Transition to Adult Health Service

Where young people are moving to adult health services it is important that the transfer from children’s services to adult health services is smooth in order to ensure the best possible health outcomes for that young person during that period and into adulthood. The Health service and other professionals involved will work with the young person and where appropriate, their family and should gain a good understanding of the young person’s individual needs, including their learning difficulties and co-ordinate care around those needs. This means working with the young person to develop a transition plan which identifies:

  • Who will take lead in coordinating care and referrals to other services- contact details for the lead should be given to the young person
  • What to expect and when. This is to ensure continuity and a smooth transition into adult health services

For young people with EHC plans, the local authority and health services will work in partnership with eachother and the young person to ensure the EHC plan and the care plan for the treatment and management of the young person’s health are aligned.

For more information on adult heallth services please see Health and Wellbeing.