Transition to Adult Social Care

Young people with SEN turning 18 or their carers may become eligible for adult care services regardless of whether they have an EHC plan or already have been receiving care from Children Social Care. The local authority must carry out an adult care transition assessment where:

  • There is significant benefit to a young person or their carer in doing so
  • The young person is likely to have needs for care or support after turning 18

Transition assessments must take place at the right time for the individual:

  • There is no set age for when young people reach this point, therefore the transition assessment should take place when it is of ‘significant benefit’ to them
  • This is regardless of whether the young person or carer is currently receiving any services
  • The local authority will take into account each individual’s circumstances when deciding whether to assess them

In deciding whether a young person or carer is eligible for adult care services, local authorities will look at if the young person is unable to achieve one or more of the following:

  • Basic care activities; these are activities that the person carries out as part of normal daily life, including eating and drinking, maintaining personal hygiene and getting around the home.
  • Maintain their family or other significant personal relationships, which if not maintained would have a significant impact on the young person’s wellbeing.
  • Engage in work, training, education or volunteering;
  • Make use of necessary facilities or services in the local community; or to engage in recreational activities.
  • To carry out any caring responsibilities the carer has for a child.

When considering if a young person is ‘unable’ to achieve these outcomes, local authorities will look at circumstances where the young person:

  • Is unable to achieve the outcomes without assistance
  • Is able to achieve the outcome without assistance but doing so causes the young person significant pain, distress or anxiety.
  • Is able to achieve the outcomes without assistance, but doing so endangers or is likely to endanger the health or safety of the young person, or others.

For more information on adult services please see Care