Nido Volans Centre - Specialist Provision

Nido Volans Centre

Provision specialisms:

• Programmes for young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities
• Independent Life Skills
• Supported Learning and Internships
• Employment Preparation Pathways and Introduction to Work
• Vocational Taster Programme

The Nido Volans Centres at Bromley and Bexley Campuses provide specialist facilities and support for students with complex to moderate learning difficulties. The programmes help students to develop both employability and independent living skills to prepare them for their adult life and the world of work with the support of their specialist team.

The facilities at Bromley include the ‘Chefs Table’ training kitchen and restaurant, a manufacturing workshop, horticultural facilities (including a large polytunnel) and a performance space which is home to Greengoose Performing Arts. The facilities at Bexley also include an accessible independent living kitchen, a manufacturing workshop, a performance space, art and enterprise, personal presentation and ICT rooms. Both Nido Volans Centres are the perfect learning environment to develop students’ skills.

London South East Colleges are particularly proud of their employability programmes and extensive employer network that help to identify a range of employment opportunities for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, offering them the chance to work and develop their skills.

For more information please click here