Children and Young People with EHC Plans: preparing adulthood reviews

The EHC plan review at Year 9, and every review thereafter will include a focus on preparing for adulthood. Planning will be centred around the individual and explore the child or young person’s aspirations and abilities, what they want to be able to do when they are older. Children and young people are entitled to use advocates and any other support they need have the support they need in order to fully participate in this planning and make decisions. They can request this support from the local authority. Transition planning must be included in the revised EHC plan and should result in clear outcomes being agreed that are ambitious and stretching and which will prepare young people for adulthood. The review should identify the support the child or young person needs to achieve these aspirations and should also identify the components that should be included in their study programme to best prepare them for adult life
Preparing for adulthood planning in the review of the EHC plan should include:

  • Support to prepare for higher education and/or employment: This will include identifying appropriate post-16 pathways. Training options such as supported internships, apprenticeships and traineeships should be discussed, or support for a young person in setting up their own business. The review will also cover support in finding a job, work experience opportunities or the use of job coaches and help in understanding any welfare benefits that might be available when employed.
  • Support to prepare for independent living: including exploring what decisions young people want to take for themselves and planning their role in decision making as they become older. This will also include discussing where the child or young person wants to live in the future, who they want to live with and what support they will need. Local housing options, support in finding accommodation, housing benefits and social care support will be explained
  • Support in maintaining good health in adult health, including planning with health services the transition from specialist paediatric services to adult health care
  • Support in participating in society: including understanding mobility and transport support, and how to find out about social and community activities, and opportunities in local decision-making. Please see Leisure for information on leisure activities in Southwark.