Southwark Virtual School: Looked After Children Teaching and Learning Team
The Service
To provide a ‘virtual school’ service to pupils who are Looked After by the Local Authority. Support for schools with multi agency professionals to ensure an appropriate education or training placement is in place and that additional resources, such as the Pupil Premium, are used to overcome barriers to learning or to support the pupil’s progress.
Who is the service for?
Children and young people of school age who are Looked After by the Local Authority.
Age range
5-18 years old
Criteria for access to service
Restricted - must be Looked After by the Local Authority.
How this is provided:
Advisers attend meetings in schools across the country where Looked After pupils are on roll.
How can I access this service?
No direct access. Automatic access if statutory school age and Looked After by the Local Authority.
How is this service funded?
The service is funded by Southwark Council and is a statutory part of the Councils Children’s and Adults Team.
Do you need to pay for this service?
It is a free service.
Confidentiality and Impartiality
Education advisers will share information with professional colleagues involved in your case.
Useful to know
Advisers are not contacted directly by carers, children or young people but contribute to educational aspects of the child’s or young person’s needs via work with schools, other education or social care professionals.