Early Years and Schools Banding Redesign
This project has come out of work as part of the safety valve programme, which looked at how High Needs funding is allocated to schools and settings. The review of current bandings showed that Southwark fund at higher rates than our statistical neighbours.
However, the focus of the redesign is ensuring that schools and settings receive appropriate funds to support the children and young people on a continuum of need.
The overall aim is to ensure that needs can be met in all settings from early years through to mainstream, resource base and special schools. As far as possible we want the banding redesign to support meeting higher levels of need in mainstream, as well as ensuring special schools places are for those pupils with the most complex needs.
We are working with key stakeholders to develop the new banding system and have set up ‘Task and Finish’ groups for Headteachers, SENCOs, Early Years leaders and a fourth group for parent carers. In this way we hope to develop a system that works for everyone. A consultation will be undertaken with all schools in the summer term (2025) and a final version is expected to be submitted to Schools Forum in the autumn in time for budget setting.
The details of implementation are being worked up and an outline of this process will be included in the consultation.
For more information, please see the FAQs below:
What is the banding redesign?
We have been asked to review how we allocate funding to schools and early years settings as part of the safety valve programme. The review of current bandings showed that Southwark fund at higher rates than our statistical neighbours. However, the focus of the redesign is ensuring that schools and settings receive appropriate funds to support children and young people with an EHCP at all levels of need.
What are the intended outcomes of the redesign?
We want to work closely with our key stakeholders (schools, early years providers and parent carers) to develop a system that:
- Delivers a shared understanding of the range and levels of needs across Southwark schools and how that compares with other areas.
- Provides a transparent and fair system of resource allocation across Southwark with clear, co-produced system to identify levels of need, provision and appropriate funding.
- Supports improvement in the quality and clarity of EHCPs.
- Enables schools and settings to evidence the difference that the funding is making to children and young people’s outcomes.
What is the timescale?
We are aiming to have a new banding system developed by early summer 2025.
Processes and implementation of the new system will be discussed with stakeholders and a plan for this will be developed as the project progresses.
Timescale |
Key milestones: |
Autumn term 2024 |
Data gathering First meeting of Task & Finish Groups Potential model agreed |
Spring term 2025 |
Second and third meeting of Task & Finish Groups:
Parent Carer Focus Group meetings Schools Forum review progress |
Summer term 2025 |
Consultation with all schools (and settings) Parent Carer Focus Group Impact of new banding on budgets for schools/ settings is calculated Impact of new banding on HNB is calculated |
Autumn term 2025 |
Budget implications and final banding go to Schools Forum
April 2026 |
New banding implemented (process to be agreed: i.e. it could be phased or full implementation) |
How are you going to involve stakeholders?
We will set up two or three groups to support us in developing the new banding systems. The groups will be:
- Headteachers’ Task & Finish Banding Group – this group will support overall development of the banding system and finances
- SENCO Task & Finish Banding Group – made up of Early Years, primary and secondary school SENCOs. This group will support the development of the banding, focussing on descriptors of need and provision.
- Parent Carer Focus group – this will consist of a group of 6-8 parent carers, representing a cross section of children with EHCPs with different needs and at different ages.
Who is over-seeing this project?
The SEND & Inclusion Partnership Board are overseeing this project. Financial implications for both the High Needs Block and individual schools will be reviewed at Schools Forum (and/ or the High Needs Sub-Group of Schools Forum).
Who can I contact if I have any further questions?
Emma Ferrey is the project lead and her working days are Tuesdays and Fridays. She can be contacted on emma.ferrey@southwark.gov.uk or on 07932 660092.