Southwark Mental Health Learning Disabilities Service (MHLD)

Age Range:


The Service:

Southwark MHLD provides a specialist mental health service for adults with learning disabilities in Southwark. The team has Administrators, Behaviour Specialists, Community Psychiatric Nurses, Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists.

Who is the service for?

We offer a specialist community mental health service to adults with a diagnosis of learning disability who have a Southwark GP.

We work with people who might experience significant mental health problems, behaviour which challenges and/or high levels of risk to self or others.

We also provide input and advice to a person’s family, supporters and professional network.

Criteria for access to service

Southwark MHLD are commissioned to work with people who would receive a diagnosis of learning disability and also have a significant mental health and/or behavioural need.

Wherever possible we encourage people to make use of mainstream community mental services first. Health and other services have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to account for a person’s learning or other disabilities.

Accessibility of this service

The person with a learning disability or anyone connected to them may make a referral.

MHLD endeavours to offer an appropriately accessible 9-5 week-day service in relation to communication, physical and other needs.

How this is provided:

Through making our verbal and written communication accessible on an individual basis and by offering appointments in a way which is sensitive to people’s physical and other needs.

We can meet with people on their own or with their families / supporters.

How can I access this service?

Follow the link below from which you can contact us to make a referral

How is this service funded?

Southwark MHLD is a free-to-access NHS service, part of South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

Do you need to pay for this service?


Confidentiality and Impartiality

We maintain confidential records about our patients in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 1998.

To help keep the people we work with safe, we routinely share important information with the Southwark Health Team for Adults with Learning Disabilities and Southwark Learning Disability Social Services Team.

Useful to know

The office is NOT open in the evening, at weekends or on bank holidays. If you have an urgent mental health or other problem then please go to your local accident and emergency department or ring 999.

Contact us

Telephone 0203 228 1056 or 0203 228 1060 or write to us at:

Southwark MHLD, Clinical Treatment Centre (CTC), Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AZ

Training provided:

The ESTIA Centre (see link below) provides general training and Southwark MHLD offers bespoke training for providers and other agencies.

People referred to MHLD can also access the SLAM Recovery College

Drop in service

We do not offer a drop-in service.