The Neurodiversity Family Hub

The Neurodiversity Family Hub provides services to Children and Young People with neurodiversity and their families, including:

  • Weekly youth clubs & holiday clubs.
  • Advocacy for educational settings, and any statutory partners - local authorities, GP's, and any other linked organisations.
  • Companionship solidarity and commonality - finding a community that understands with themes
  • Parent circles for small groups of parents to find strategies and self care

Click here to download a weekly planning flyer (jpg, 496kb)

Tiny Tribe

What: A playgroup for babies and toddlers aimed at parents who may already know their child has a need or parents who think their child has a need.  We are open to all but will provide support and advice to those at the beginning of their journey.

Where: Mint Street Adventure Playground, Community Centre

When: Wednesdays 9 – 12 pm.  

My Tribe Senior

What: A youth centre for year 6 (primary transition)-12 secondary school-aged people, to come along and play games, homework support, and meet new friends: They will also have opportunities to enter the adventure playground at designated points.

Where: Mint Street Adventure Playground, Community Centre (Upstairs)

When: Wednesdays 3.30-6.30 pm.  

My Tribe Junior

What: A youth centre for year 2-5 primary school-aged people, to come along and play games, homework support, and meet new friends and other activities too: If they are above 8 years old, they will also have opportunities to enter the adventure playground at designated points.

Where: Mint Street Adventure Playground, Community Centre (Upstairs)

When: Thursdays - 3.15-5.00 pm.  

Stories with a Twist

What: Stories with a twist will explore fiction and nonfiction including neurodiverse characters to learn the values of acceptance and understanding. Let’s celebrate and embrace our differences. Come to this story time to discover strategies for emotional well-being, anger & stress management, and calming strategies. Here we will also give over time to connect our experiences with those of our characters in an age-appropriate way.

Where: John Harvard Library SE1 1JA

When: Saturdays 10.30-12 pm 

Please also visit the Neurodiversity Hub's Events page for details of activities taking place throughout the year.

Please see the Leisure section of the Local Offer for details of any Neurodiversity Hub holiday activities. 

My Advocacy Partner

What: A 1:1 service with an expert providing specialist support for matters relating to schools, EHCP, learning plans, exclusions, diagnosis, specialist settings, and any other matters relating to statutory partners involved in your child's SEND.

Where: John Harvard Library - Borough High Street - by appointment only

When: Tuesdays 4.30-7.00pm

A Walk and a Talk 

What: Parents and young people out of school (supervised by parents) to find companionship and seek advice and signposting for our services. A group walk.

Where: Mint Street Park (location will change will check website)

When: Bi-weekly Thursdays 12.15-13.15 pm.

Coffee Connect 

What:  An informal coffee for parents without their children.  A safe space to share the joys and challenges of raising neurodiverse children.

Enjoy a cosy cup of coffee or tea while building a supportive community.  Find comfort in knowing you are not alone.

Where: Mint Street Adventure Playground, Community Centre (Upstairs)

When: First and Third Friday of each month 8.45-10.30 am

Parent Circle-Group Coaching Course

What:  A 6-week programme inspired by positive psychology for up to 8 parents to create a bespoke practical tool kit to use and reuse for your sustained well-being. Guided by an expert coach who will facilitate how to reach your objectives as a family.

Where: Mint Street Adventure Playground, Community Centre (Upstairs)

When: Wednesday 6.45-8.30 pm 

Speaker Sessions

What: Each Quarter we will host an evening of knowledge, community and power. Leading experts in the field will deliver talks on a variety of topics, ensuring we keep you in the know and find the opportunity to seek solace in our chosen family!

Where: Mint Street Adventure Playground, Community Centre (Upstairs)

When: Thursdays, 4 times a year 7-9pm  

Time:  9-10:30am

Venue: At our office on 56 Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 0AS 

Dates: Please see the Neurodiversity Family Hub website

We have an open door policy at our office on a Friday morning from 9-10:30am for a cuppa and a chat, just drop by (term-time only). 

How to Access the service


We are accessible for most neurodiversity and can facilitate for physical disability users too. Our venue does have lift access where required.


We provide a sliding scale membership and have grants available for families on low income or benefits, we will also ensure all families who need us can and so please contact us for further information. 

Contact details

Visit the Neurodiversity Family Hub website


Our service is fully GDPR compliant and confidentiality is respected at all times, we ensure that any advocacy or advice we work with our users to ensure they understand our remit and how we support. Users will sign consent forms to ensure full understanding of how we support.