Family Early Help (FEH)

Family Early Help (FEH)

‘The right help, at the right time, in the right place’

In Southwark, we want to ensure that children, young people and families receive the best possible support at times of need in order to address and resolve issues rapidly and effectively. Sometimes a child, young person or family faces a number of different problems at the same time and requires more support to resolve them. Where needs are beyond the level that universal services can address, a range of targeted services are provided in partnership with others (children and family centres, health professionals, schools, and the voluntary sector) to continue to assist a family to prevent problems from escalating. Southwark’s services operating at a targeted level as part of the Early Help offer are:

Family Early Help (FEH) Service

Our offer is delivered across the following key areas:

•Whole Family Casework
•Schools work including Education Inclusion
•Early Help CAMHS and Integrated Health
•Children and Family Centres
•Transforming services -Troubled Families programme
•Partnership with Children's Social Care

Making a referral

You can find information on how to make a referral here.

You'll need to complete the FEH referral form (docx, 631kb)and send it to

Family Early Help Duty

The number is 0207 525 1922 which will give four options:

1.General enquiries and signposting
2.Family Early Help Duty Manager for general advice including consultations around potential and new referrals and current casework
3.Education, Inclusion and Attendance support and advice including all enforcement activity
4.Parenting support and advice and information on parenting course and group work programmes