The SEND Strategy in Action

Southwark's Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy in Action event was held during 5th - 8th June 2023.
The online event provided an insight into a small proportion of the work going on in the local area to deliver priorities set out in the SEND Strategy.
If you missed the event, you can access all of the information and videos below.
The short films that have been created provide an insight into the range of work going on with partners and organisations who are delivering on the priorities to improve the lives of children and young people with SEND.
Click the links below to see the four SEND Strategy Priorities in action across Southwark.
In this first video, Councillor Jasmine Ali, Deputy Leader of the Council, answers questions on why Southwark Council has a Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Strategy and what it is designed to achieve. The interviewer is Elsie McDowell, a member of the Southwark Youth Parliament. Councillor Ali explains the Council's commitment to all our young people and how the 4 priorities in the strategy impact the lives of children, young people and their families.
Interview on School Places with Yvonne Ely, Assistant Director for SEND - Click here to watch
Hear from Yvonne Ely, Assistant Director for SEND, about how Southwark Council is developing provision for children and young people with special educational needs. These places are being developed as a combination of specially resourced provision in mainstream schools (which means there is special expertise and facilities in the school to support children with a particular need, such as autism and other conditions). In addition, Southwark is expanding existing special schools to meet needs. These places are available to children and young people who have an Education Health and Care Plan for whom the facility is judged suitable.
Beormund School Building 'Fly Through' - Click here to watch
Take a look at an Architect's impression of the new provision for Beormund School, which will provide additional places for children with social, emotional and mental health needs.
In this video, Dr Jesse Campbell talks about the neurodevelopmental work of the CAMHS service. This service supports neurodiverse children and young people, who also have mental health needs. The Enhanced Intervention Service meets the needs of a very small number of young people experiencing acute difficulties. Find out about the other agencies they work with and the transition to adult services.
The Early Years Team - Click here to watch
Watch this video to find out about the work of the Early Years Team to provide very young children with the best start in life, particularly those children with additional needs. Learn what to do if you think your young child needs extra support.
The Dynamic Support Register - Click here to watch
Click the link above to watch Jordan Oliver explaining the purpose of the Dynamic Support Register and how it benefits young adults with learning disabilities and/or autism.
The Role of the School Governor - Click here to watch
In this video you will learn from Father Carruthers about the important role of the school governor in holding managers to account to ensure the best outcomes for children and young people in schools.
Cherry Garden School Training Offer - Click here to watch
Cherry Garden School staff operate a support service for other school staff across the Borough in a whole range of approaches and strategies to support children with additional needs. Watch this clip to see Kelly Hawker explain the school training offer.
Cherry Garden School Outreach Service - Click here to watch
Watch this video to learn from Anna Parsons about the support which specialist staff at Cherry Garden School offer to mainstream school staff, to ensure that children with additional needs achieve the best outcomes.
The role of the Southwark Council Special Educational Needs Consultants - Click here to watch
Find out how the Special Needs Consultants employed by the Council work with schools to share their considerable experience and expertise with school staff.
The SEND Hub is a place where SENCo's from different schools come together to share experiences, offer peer support, consider training needs and pursue continual improvement in knowledge and skills. In driving up the skills of SENCo's, the outcomes for children with special educational needs are improved.
The Southwark Music Service offers specialist expertise to special and mainstream schools to deliver music education to children with additional needs. They also offer training to mainstream schools to deliver music education to all children.
Bucket Time at Peter Hills School - Click here to watch
Ben Gorner-Patel, Deputy Head, explains one of the ways in which Peter Hills School works with autistic children to improve listening skills, concentration and eye contact.
Southwark Intensive Support Team - Click here to watch
Dr Jenni Shaw explains the work of the Southwark Intensive Support Team for over 18's with a learning disability, who are at risk of hospital admission or placement breakdown.
The Adult Mental Health and Disabilities Team - Click here to watch
Dr Natalie Read explains the work of the Adult Mental Health and Disabilities Team with people over the age of 18 who have learning disabilities and mental health needs.
The Park College for young people aged 19-25 with Autism - Click here to watch
See the work experiences roles undertaken by young people at The Park College, as they prepare for employment.
Supported Internships for young people with additional needs - Click here to watch
Boscoffee is one example of the charitable and voluntary sector providing work experience and training opportunities for young people with additional needs. In this clip, hear from the Boscoffee Manager and current students.
Southwark Council would appreciate your feedback on the SEND Strategy in Action Event. Please email comments to: