
There are a range of health and wellbeing services available in Southwark, some are universal; this means that they are available for everyone to access; examples of universal health services include GP, Health visitor and School Nursing. Other services are what are known as targeted or specialist services, these are targeted to meet specific needs; examples of these include the wheelchair service and therapy services.

Services will often cover a wide range of areas such as mental and emotional wellbeing, emergency care, long term conditions and support to help you live a healthier lifestyle, therefore protecting you from potential ill health. For more information on wellbeing please click here.

A number of organisations deliver health and wellbeing services in Southwark, they include schools, GP's, the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and Southwark Council. Some voluntary organisations also provide health advice and deliver projects to raise awareness about health issues.

The links below offer more information on the health and wellbeing services that you may be able to access.