Specialist Support Services

This section contains details of help available to students and families in addition to that offered by schools.

  • The SEN (Special Educational Needs) Team provide services for children and young people aged 0-25 with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) see here.

  • The Visual Impairment Team offer specialist support and advice for Children and Young People with a visual impairment. For more information please see here.

  • The Hearing Impairment Team offer specialist support and advice for Children and Young People with a hearing impairment. For more information please see here.

  • The Autism Support Team offer specialist support and advice for Children and Young People with Autism.  For more information please see here.

  • Southwark’s Family Early Help service provides practical advice and support to children, young people and their families. Click here for more information about this service

  • Southwark’s Educational Psychology Service (EPS) works closely with families, schools, post-16 provision and early years settings to explore issues and resolve problems that can affect learning and well-being. The EPS also provides additional support to schools in the event of a potentially traumatic event – for more information click here

  • The Inclusion and Monitoring Team - Advice, support and training for settings on all aspects of Special Educational Needs (SEN) including for children who do not require EHC assessments or plans but have SEN. Advice around specific learning difficulties (SpLD) and dyslexia can be accessed through the team.

  • Summerhouse - provides advice and guidance to mainstream schools experiencing difficulties in managing challenging behaviours from young people aged 5-11 with social, emotional and mental health needs. Visit the Summerhouse website for more information. 

Other Specialist Services


CENMAC is funded by the Council to provide expert advice around assistive technology. Schools can refer to the Local Authority to access this service which is for children and young people who have significant difficulties communicating and who are likely to have an EHCP (Education, Health and Care plan).  Please see CENMAC Southwark's Guidance (17KB - DOCX)  or visit their site to see what services are provided.

If you think your child may need this service you should speak with the SENCO at school.  Referral forms (both need to be completed) can be downloaded below:

Southwark Referral Form CENMAC (30KB - DOCX)

CENMAC Referral Form (44KB - DOCX)

Future Men's Boys’ Development Programme is delivered to boys in the final years of primary school, preparing for transition, and to boys at varying stages of secondary school. Combining one-to-one support and group sessions, the programme encourages boys to improve their skills in effective communication, conflict management and emotional literacy.

The programme facilitates positive peer support and is tailored to be inclusive of all school aged boys including those who may be at risk of disengagement or exclusion. Through meaningful activities and discussions, boys are encouraged to thrive in education, develop their aspirations and to navigate the challenges of male adolescence.

Future Men is currently funded to provide the programme in individual schools in Kensington & Chelsea, Lambeth, Southwark and Wandsworth, receiving referrals direct from schools.

Future Men Website